Hello, I'm Arthur G.
Arthur Germain is Principal & Chief Brandteller of Brandtelling, the brand strategy and storytelling agency he founded in 2005. Prior to founding the agency, Arthur served in marketing, public relations and editorial roles where he learned a lot about brand storytelling and how businesses often struggle to define who they are, what they do and how they serve their customers. His new book, The Art of Brandtelling: Brand Storytelling for Business Success, is a how-to guide for building and sharing your unique brand story to strengthen customer relationships and increase business profitability. It is available in paperback, Kindle and eBook Bundle versions. Arthur served in senior positions with Symbol Technologies during a brand refresh, global public relations agency Neale-May & Partners + GlobalFluency during the dot com bubble, and as an editor at trade and newsstand publications including VAR Business, Home Office Computing, Small Business Computing, Windows Magazine, Communications Week and others. Arthur graduated from the State University of New York at Fredonia with a BS in Communications. He frequently speaks on the Power of Story, Podcasting, and Building and Promoting Story Leadership™.